movie screaning „the thread and the wall“
Thursday 21.april 2016 7:30 pm Fabrik45, Hochstadenring45, Bonn Free admission arabic with english subtitles director: Mohamed Khaled „The mother of the boy backed against a wall and the mother of the girl backed on a thread“ Egyptian Proverb The Thread And The Wall The Thread And The...
Read MoreStrom-stream-Magra did start
on the 1th of april the artists did arrive, now they are finding semselfs, their art and their cooperation. a small impression. „work in progress“ tours on Sunday the 10th of april at 3:15pm at the Kuenstlerforum Bonn and at 4 pm at the Fabrik45 in Bonn
Read MoreJe suis culture
Je suis culture! Seeing what happened in Paris last week should lead to one conclusion. „there is no war between cultures, there is only terror from persons with no culture against persons with culture“ So keep culture alive! Be culture, be cultivated! Do not get afraid from one destr...
Read MoreEmpArtolution-the Jury
On the 16th of December the jury gathered to decide on the missing artists for the project EmpArtolution. After some hours of focused work the decisions have been made. We will post the new artists the next days. Here are some impressions.on the meeting.
Read MoreEmpArtolution Podcast Nr. 2
We promised more impressions on the Fabrik45 – we did lie to you. There will be some time passing until we return to the Fabrik45. In between EmpArtolution is providing you, the honored audience with numerous impressions on the Altstadt of Bonn and all the cultural places you can find in th...
Read MoreEmpartolution podcast episode 1
Hello welcome to the first Empartolution podcast it is november 1th and summer!? Strange…well, time to leave behind the mental cell In the upcoming weeks we will show you little snippets from the Bonner Altstadt, urban playground to the project Empartolution and home to its headquarter the ...
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